What's difference between X300 DP Plus and X300 DP Pad ?

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus new released on Obd2shop.co.uk, many of you may ask what's its difference compare with X300 DP ? Here is the table help you :
Features & Functions x300 dp plus x300 dp
Hardware & Design
screen size and industrial design ***** ****
back holder ×
work separately without VCI ×
charged by OBDII ×
including 4 Toyota emulators ×
including P001 programmer ×
including wiring harness for new functions,
such as ECU cloning and switch activation
ECU Clone ×
Switch activation function ×
Add "help" function, with built-in support carlist,
upgrade announcement, help notes and Wiring diagrams
No extra charged software, Get all newly issued
update for free during valid update time
