This package is KESS V3 with Master - Car - LCV OBD Protocols and Master - Car - LCV Bench-Boot Protocols License Activated
Original Alientech, best quality!
This package is KESS V3 with Slave - Car - LCV OBD Protocols and Slave - Car-LCV BenchBoot Protocols License Actiated
Original Alientech, best quality!
This package is KESS V3 with Master - Car - LCV Bench-Boot Protocols License Activated
Original Alientech, best quality!
With ECM Titanium full, you have everything at your disposal and remap without worries, how and when you want: no limits. This is the complete proposal with which you have dedicated technical support and up to 100 driver downloads per day, for cars, motorbikes, tractors, trucks and boats. In addition, you can request Original Files, New Drivers, and the updating of the drivers list as well as the software itself.
No PCB in this package! LED works for 12V. After you connect with the probe, disconnect 12V battery for LED,it will works.The probe pin is adjustable.
LED BDM Frame With 4 Probes Mesh with 4pcs Uncover Tool
This is the newest software for modifying DPF \ FAP - EGR - FLAP-DTC
Including 2 FAP + EGR software also with many other solutions
No need shipping, send software online.
Professional DPF+EGR REMOVER 3.0 Lambda Hotstart Flap,O2, DTC 2 Software Full 2017.5 version
ALIENTECH KESS V3 combines 3 operating modes in a single tool, OBD, Bench, and Boot. It is a powerful tool that allows you to read and write ECUs found in cars, motorcycles, trucks, agricultural vehicles, and marine applications simply by connecting the supplied interface cable to the vehicle's diagnostic port.
New Arrival DTC Remover Ver: 1.8.5 Software DTC Remover Software for Deactivating DTC Errors.
ECUSafe is a program that protects program in ECU against being read with all OBD flashers or programmers.
Alientech ECM Titanium - Credit Version with 1000 Credits - comes with 1000 credits when it leaves the factory. It takes 40 credits to change the data once.
ECM TITANIUM Credits, Recalibrations on Demand.
Alientech KESS V3 KESS3 Master - Car - LCV Bench-Boot Protocols activation
Alientech ECM Titanium - Full Version (Annual Subscription Fee Required)
Unlimited Recalibrations
Alientech KESS V3 KESS3 slave - 6 Months Subscription
Alientech KESS3 Master - Car - LCV OBD Protocols activation
This Alientech Shopping Bag + Keychain + Lanyard will be sent free with the KESS3 package.
Alientech 144300T115 cable can be used on VOLVO and Renault Trucks equipped with TRW EMS2.2 Gen2, TRW EMS2 E5, TRW EMS2.3, TRW EMS2.4. Thanks to this cable, you can work on them in Service Mode.
This is Alientech KESS V3 ECU and TCU Programming with KESS3MKWO KESS3 Hardware - DynoDrive Activatior
1, KESS3MKWO KESS3 Slave-DynoDrive Activation
2, DynoDrive is an advanced feature, exclusive to Alientech Suite and KESS3, which allows for calculating and verifying performance while driving a vehicle. Through the OBD diagnostic port and data acquisition from the integrated GPS module,
3, DynoDrive provides power and torque values of a car that can be exported and compared endlessly on your reserved area.